If there were no Scriptures would the Concept of God still exist?

The question of whether the concept of God would exist without scriptures touches on profound philosophical and theological ideas. Here’s a perspective:

1. The Ontological Perspective or the the Study of Existence

If God is conceived as a necessary being (one whose existence is independent of anything else), then the existence of God DOES NOT depend on scriptures, texts, or human acknowledgment. In this view, God exists inherently or naturally, and scriptures are HUMAN INVENTIONS of understanding or expressing that existence.

2. Theological Perspective

Theological traditions argue that God existed BEFORE anything was created, including humans and their capacity to write scriptures. In Abrahamic religions, God is often described as eternal and self-sufficient. In Hinduism, Brahman (the ultimate reality) is beyond time and space, independent of human constructs. Clearly, the concept of God can not be credited to any religion and that their concepts of God can not be accepted as ultimate and authoritative.

3. Human Constructs vs. Divine Reality

Scriptures are HUMAN CREATIONS that document beliefs, experiences, and revelations. If one believes that God exists independently of human thought, then God’s existence is not contingent on these writings.

4. Mystical and Natural Theology

Mystics and proponents of natural theology often argue that God can be known through personal experience, nature, and reason, EVEN IN THE ABSENCE of scriptures. For example, many indigenous belief systems and animistic traditions recognize a divine force or creator without relying on written texts.

In the Abrahamic religions, the existence of God, therefore, is not dependent on the existence of scriptures like the Torah, the Bible and the Koran. Scriptures serve only as a reflection of HUMAN ATTEMPTS to connect with and explain a concept that is beyond the natural understanding of the human mind. However, in the pandeistic philosophy that equates God with energy, NATURE BECOMES THE SCRIPTURE, OR THE WORD OF GOD, THAT ALL CAN ACCESS ANYTIME.

Given the fact that all Abrahamic Scriptures are human constructs that reflect the antiquated understanding of their creators, they fail miserably to address the intellectual demands of the present intellectual-scientific generation of modern days. The writings on the wall for the end of Abrahamic religions are clear with Scandinavia, Europe and America becoming increasingly atheistic. This is not to include the non-Abrahamic religions elsewhere in the world which have become missionary oriented also.

I would like to believe that deism is the best alternative to preserving the godly legacy that people would like to nurture. Believe in God without religion is the path for the Godly must take to counter atheism and any other godless philosophy. Learn Deism with us.